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Coming Appearances – Perth, Helsinki, Melbourne


Supanova Perth: June 24-25

I’ll be an author guest at the Supanova Pop Culture Expo on Saturday June 24 and Sunday June 25, signing between 10.30 and 5.30 each day . As usual, there’s lots to see and do at Supanova – one of the best places for geeky people-watching and fantastic cosplay. I will have some bookmarks to give away. I’m happy to sign books or just have a chat. I have one panel appearance:

Sat June 24, 15.30 – 16.30: Pushing the Boundaries of YA

Worldcon 75: Helsinki, August 9-13

Yes, European readers, I will be at Worldcon along with a truly stellar lineup of writers, artists and other fine SF&F associated folk. While the program is still in draft form at this stage, it looks as if I will be on four panels, as follows:

Wed Aug 9, 16.00 – 17.00: A world of acclaim: awards from around the world

Thurs Aug 10, 10.00 – 11.00: A Stitch in Time: Historical Fantasy

Fri Aug 11, 14.00-15.00: Other Side of the World: Space, Place and Australian Fantasy (with Angela Slatter, Kim Wilkins and Lisa L Hannett)

Sat Aug 12, 18.00 – 19.00: Creating a Fantasy Novel from Mythology

I hope to meet as many readers as possible over the course of the convention. I will be happy to chat and sign books. The best time to catch me may be right after one of those panels. There will probably also be a mass signing at some point, and possibly a kaffeeklatsch – that is yet to be finalised. The organisers are doing a wonderful job of slotting everything into place. I take off my hat to them!

Historical Novel Society Conference: Swinburne University, Melbourne, Sept 8-10

Check out the HNSA website for full details of the conference, including cost. There are various registration options. The program is excellent, with many major authors presenting. I’m on one panel:

Sun Sept 10, 12.30-1.30: The Long Haul: Writing Successful Series and Multiple Books (with Anne Gracie, Libby Hathorn and moderator Catherine Padmore.)  There will be an opportunity to have books signed after the panel.

More information about this conference as it comes to hand.

Image credit 1: © Scottpalmerphoto | – Crawley Edge Boatshed aka. Matilda Bay Boatshed

Image credit 2: © Scanrail | – Old Port in Helsinki, Finland

Image credit 3:  © Chris Doyle | – Medieval knights