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Tararua walk Oct 06A reminder to my New Zealand readers that I will be in Wellington for Au Contraire on the first weekend of June which is quite soon now! If you’re attending the convention and would like to chat, have a book signed or whatever, do please come over and say hello. I will probably be the shortest, oldest and most white-haired person at the con, so fairly recognisable.  I don’t know if my books will  be on sale at Au Contraire (possibly not, as Tower of Thorns didn’t make the short list for the Sir Julius Vogel Awards) so if you really want a book signed, best bring it with you. I don’t mind dog-eared old copies as I know they are well loved.

I have one program item, a panel on Mythology in Speculative Fiction, at 3pm on Sunday June 5. That’s with Alicia Ponder, Anna Mackenzie and Cassie Hart (convenor). Should be lots of fun! The program for the three days of Au Contraire looks fantastic, jam-packed with all kinds of great sessions. It’s at the CQ Hotel in Cuba St.

I’m so thrilled to be visiting home – it is a while since I was last in New Zealand. After the con I am heading up to the Wairarapa to visit family for a few days.