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Juliet’s Meet and Greet in Columbus, Ohio: Oct 29


Hi all. I’m currently trying to get a good idea of numbers for my meet and greet event in Columbus so I can finalise booking a venue. The details are up on my Facebook Fan Page, but for those of you who aren’t on Facebook and don’t want to be, this is a request to let me know as soon as possible if you’d like to come to this event. Here are some details – they are provisional, to be confirmed as soon as I’ve secured the booking.

Date: Saturday October 29
Time: 2.30-4pm
Venue: A meeting room in the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Columbus
What is it exactly? An opportunity to meet me while I’m in Columbus, without needing to attend the World Fantasy Convention. I will be available to sign books (I won’t have books for sale at this venue, so you’ll need to bring them). I will probably give a short talk and a Q&A session, and there will be plenty of opportunity to chat to me. At this stage I have 26 names on the list to attend – I’m hoping this will go up quite a bit, but it will still be a smallish gathering. I’ll have some Blackthorn & Grim bookmarks to give away, also some special bookplates. I won’t be surrounded by publicists etc. This will be a very informal event.
What do I need from you? If you plan to attend, or think you will probably attend, please either email me on or put your name down on the relevant post on my Facebook Fan Page. If you are bring a friend or friends, please give me the number in your group.

Looking forward to meeting you there!

Photo credit: copyright Americanspirit |