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Season’s Greetings and Thank You


Yes, it’s that time of year again, and we headed along to Pet Lover’s Cafe for a photo with a very long-suffering Santa. Reggie (on the left) is reacting to the photographer, Zen looks stately but disapproving, and Fergal is posing sweetly.  I left Pip and Bodhi at home – not brave enough to try for the five-dog image this time around.

It’s been an unproductive year for me writing-wise, with no new novel on the go as yet. Perhaps I really did need all those months of fallow time to recover from Harry’s death, but I had hoped to be working on something by now. Market pressures are increasingly in conflict with my artistic inclinations, which makes getting on with the job hard. It is a difficult climate for writers, editors, agents and publishers alike.

One important thing I want to say to you, readers, and that is a heartfelt thank you. You’ve helped me immensely, not only by buying my books, but by spreading the word to your friends and family, getting my work into your local libraries, joining in the conversations on my Facebook Fan Page, attending my events and generally continuing to support what I do. Your belief in me, and the knowledge that my work has been important to many of you, makes it possible to keep going during the difficult times.

As well as the release of Den of Wolves in October/November, I had some shorter pieces published in 2016:



An essay, Keeping the Dream Alive, in the anthology Writing the Dream, published by Serenity Press (a collection of pieces by 24 authors about their personal journeys as writers, with some tips from each)


An essay, Write True, in Author in Progress, published by Writers Digest Books (this book has received some  glowing reviews)


Image result for a toy christmas sophie masson

A story, A Real Present, in the anthology A Toy Christmas, edited by Sophie Masson and published by Christmas Press (this is a lovely illustrated anthology for readers aged around 6-9)

Next year, look out for a novella, Beautiful, in a coming anthology from Ticonderoga Publications, and a short story, The Gatekeeper, in a Canadian anthology, The Sum of Us. More details as they come to hand.

Meanwhile, I wish you all the best for the season. Despite the difficult times we live in, I share my hope for a peaceful and constructive 2017. May each of you be a light in the darkness.