The Amber Owl: events and appearances Feb 2025


The official release date for THE AMBER OWL, first book of the Heartwood duology, is February 25. We have three local events (in Perth, Western Australia) coming up to celebrate the release. I’ve already shared details on my Facebook Author Page and my instagram (@julietmarillier) but I should share them here too. Later in the year I will be attending some interstate events and will provide details as far in advance as I can. Supanova Melbourne (29-30 March) is looking likely. This series is being published by New Dawn Publishing, and they will have representatives at most of my events.

Sunday Feb 23 11.30am-12.30pm  Book Launch at Stefen’s Books, 2/431 Murray St, Perth. You’ll be able to purchase my book two days earlier than everyone else, and browse through Stefen’s wonderful supply of reading matter. Also you can chat with me, get a book signed, receive a free bookmark and generally have a good time.

Wednesday Feb 26 5.30-7.00pm  In Conversation at Kalamunda Library, 7 Williams St, Kalamunda. There will be copies of The Amber Owl for sale. You need to book for this event (it costs $5 plus a booking fee) – to do so, go to this link:

Tuesday March 4 12.30-2.00pm  Signing at Dymocks Hay St, Perth. Purchase a copy, get it signed, chat to me and receive a specially designed bookmark. Also, of course, check out a stock of interesting books by other authors!