The Amber Owl: Getting Closer


Publication date for The Amber Owl, first book in my Heartwood duology, is nearly here! The official release date is February 25 2025, which means copies should start appearing in bookstores in Australia and New Zealand from that date. If you can’t find it in your local store, tell your bookseller all about it and ask them to get it in for you – it might help to let them know the series is published by New Dawn Publishing.

For folks in Perth, Western Australia, there will be several launch-related events in the week of Feb 21 to March 1. Because dates and times are still being finalised I will hold back on further details until it’s all settled. Those who attend will get an opportunity to chat with me, ask questions, purchase a signed book and get a free bookmark especially designed for the occasion.

For readers in other parts of Australia, I am hoping to attend Supanova events in several major cities this year (including Perth, of course.) Again, details will be provided once arrangements are finalised. I can’t do that until I’m sure I have expert care for my two elderly, chronically ill dogs during my absence. But I will do my very best to be there. I miss those meetings with my loyal readers.

Readers in other parts of the world – I know I have quite a big following in the US, Canada, the UK and Europe, and not forgetting the wonderful Brazilian fans. You’ll be pleased to know that you can order the book direct from the publisher via this link, and they will ship internationally. They try to keep shipping costs reasonable. In the longer term, the publisher is hoping to have the series distributed to countries beyond Australia and New Zealand – it’s a work in progress.  I think it is possible the audiobook, now in production, may be available more widely.

One more thing: most of you will know I have a Facebook author page, under the rather clunky name of Juliet Marillier Official Fan Page. At present I have tech issues and I can’t access the page on my computer, where it’s much easier to respond to posts and messages from readers. I have someone coming to help me out with this, but in the meantime I may miss some messages. For the future, I will consider options other than Facebook for interaction with readers online. I am still active on Instagram (@julietmarillier) and communications seem to be working normally there.

You can find New Dawn on Insta (@newdawnpub) as welll as Facebook, and they post often about upcoming events, giveaways and the like. A few lucky readers just won copies of The Amber Owl.

Meanwhile I am writing the final few chapters of the sequel, which will be out in 2026. I will be sad to say farewell to this cast of characters! I do need to complete a big revision before the manuscript goes to my editor. More news as it comes to hand.