The Amber Owl: Map and Audiobook News


Exciting developments with the new book! The publisher, New Dawn, has released the image of Virginia Allyn’s beautiful map for the series. You’ll find a reel featuring this on the publisher’s Instagram page, @newdawnpub, and I have shared it on my Insta, @julietmarillier

The audiobook of The Amber Owl is currently in production. I just listened to a sample recording of the narrator reading some scenes. It’s a true performance rather than simply a reading. The narrator really captures the voices of the three main characters.

The audiobook of The Amber Owl will be available initially through Audible Australia. The publisher hopes all editions of the book and its sequel will be available more widely in due course – it depends on contract and distribution issues. I will certainly post about any developments here, but I suggest you look first on Instagram as that’s where the most up to date news is likely to appear first. I also try to post promptly on my Facebook author page (Juliet Marillier Official Fan Page.)

Meanwhile I am working hard on the second book in the Heartwood series, due for release in 2026. Seems a long time off, but time rushes by when you’re trying to meet a deadline and the characters take the story off in unplanned directions …

Season’s greetings to you all, I wish you good rest and some time with family and friends.

Photo credit: ID 56687486 | Owl © Martin Kubík |