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Hi readers. You’ll have noticed that the website has a new look, thanks to the excellent team at Thorn Creative. A lot of work has been done to make it easier to find and read the info you want, with a design that works well on both small and large screens. There are also some changes on the Contact page. If you want to send me an email, please use the form provided. There’s also provision to attach a file if you have done some art work based on any of my books – I enjoy seeing these, and most end up in the Gallery on my Facebook author page, where there’s some beautiful work on display. Also, you should soon be able to sign up to an email list, where you will receive news and possibly exclusive content (book excerpts and other things) from me.

The update was done partly in preparation for the release of my upcoming novel with New Dawn Publishing. Although The Amber Owl (first book in the Heartwood duology) does not officially come out until March 2025, we’ll have a cover and probably a map to show you later this year, and at some point there will be advance reading copies. New Dawn is an Australian publishing house specialising in science fiction and fantasy. My publisher is working on getting the series more widely distributed, and I will keep you updated on any developments. I know I have enthusiastic readers in many parts of the world, and yes, it’s been a long while since my last novel was published (getting on for three years now.) Various obstacles have slowed down my work rate – I have some empathy with this little owl watching the world from in its safe place.

The web hosting arrangements have also changed. That’s both good and bad. The new setup allows me to do more in person. I’ve only just had a tutorial on how to work with the unfamiliar apps, and it may take me a while to become competent, so please exercise patience!

With the release of the new book, I’m likely to do more travel in 2025, attending some SFF conventions and/or literary events in other parts of Australia. I might even make it to an event in my birthplace, Aotearoa New Zealand. Again, more info in due course. Bear in mind that I am 25 years older than I was when Daughter of the Forest was first published (and I was old then for a first time author) so I won’t be cramming quite as much into my itinerary as I once would have done. Plus, needy dogs, who are a big part of my life.

That’s all for now, folks. Happy reading!

Photo 314267869 | Small Owl © Tural Mammadzada |