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Welcome to the New Website

Fireworks Celebration
Thanks to a fantastic effort by my webmistress, Ariel, and a lot of rewriting and rethinking by me, the new website is now live – welcome, readers! I hope you’ll find the new site easier to navigate and to read than the old version. Some features you’ll enjoy are the carousel of readers’ art work on the Contact page, the audiobook samples attached to the individual book pages, and an overall design that should be much more user-friendly for people using tablets or smartphones.

Some of the old content is gone. A lot of pages on the old site were being bypassed by most visitors – I knew this because readers kept sending me questions whose answers were on the website. We’ve removed most of the background material (maps, historical notes, pronunciation guides) for the older books. I’ve also streamlined the FAQ, cutting it down to the questions that are most often asked.

And some elements are new, like this blog. I’ve never had an author blog of my own before, though I am a regular contributor to Writer Unboxed, an award-winning blog about the craft and business of writing. I always thought it would suck up valuable time I should be spending writing the current book! Let’s hope I was wrong. The blog will be where I post information about coming editions, news about cover art, audiobook releases, my travels and appearances and so on. I will also include some more personal posts – I have four dogs and I love writing about them! Other features will be Book of the Month and, a bit later on, maybe some short interviews with authors whose work I think you would enjoy.

The blog is a work in progress. I hope you’ll visit often, and I’m open to suggestions about the content – you can make these on my Facebook Fan Page. There are already some great ideas there. I love to hear from my readers. Your support allows me to have a career doing what I love best: telling stories.


Photo credit: © Evgeny75 | Dreamstime.comFireworks Celebration Photo