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Exciting developments with The Amber Owl. We’re now likely to have a publication date in April 2025, and our cover artist has shown us some preliminary sketches that I can only describe as captivating. The artist, whose name I can’t reveal yet, will be working on this cover over the next month or two. We also have a map artist working on a map of the Northlands, an imaginary place based on a real-world place where amber can be found.

The amber owl of the story can be strung on a cord and worn around your neck. The one in this photo is almost as small, but can stand alone. I was happy to be able to capture the sunlight glowing through it in this image. While it’s alone in the photo, this owl usually hangs out with a flock of other tiny owls that live in my house. One day I will share a group portrait!

The Amber Owl is almost through the editing process, and then we’ll be moving on to the typesetting and proof reading stage. We hope to have some ARCs available after that. Meanwhile I’m working hard on Book 2, The Hidden Way. I still have quite a lot to write!

I hope that in 2025 I will be able to do some travel within Australia to publicise the release of The Amber Owl. Expect to see me at a few SF&F conventions and maybe a literary festival or two. I’m likely to be hanging out with the New Dawn crew. I will certainly post further details as soon as I have them.