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I’m happy to share the news that the novel-length version of my story Beautiful, based on the Nordic fairy tale East of the Sun and West of the Moon, is in production now for Audible and (fingers crossed) will be released at the end of May.  A shorter, novella-length version of Beautiful appeared in the anthology Aurum, published in late 2018 by Ticonderoga.

Beautiful (the novel) is in three parts. Part one follows the pattern of the fairy tale, though the central character is not the white bear prince or the intrepid young woman who travels east of the sun and west of the moon to save him from a curse. Our narrator, whom I named Hulde, only had a bit-part in that original story. The novel-length version takes Hulde way out of her comfort zone as she heads off into the unknown world beyond the glass mountain, to find out what it means to make your own story. I really loved writing this book and I hope readers will enjoy it too. It has adventures and catastrophes and a dragon. Beautiful is suitable for both adult and young adult readers.

Beautiful is coming out as an Audible Original. This means that for the foreseeable future, it will be available only in an audio book edition. At a later time we are hoping to have print and e-book editions too, but for contractual reasons that won’t be for a while. If you don’t listen to audio books much, maybe this is an opportunity to give them a try. New releases are sometimes offered free or at reduced cost as part of a trial membership, which you are later free to cancel.

Although Beautiful is being produced by Audible Australia, it will be available to Audible customers in the US, the UK and elsewhere.

I will post again when I have some cover art to share – I’ve seen a draft cover which is very dramatic!