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Apologies – it’s been a long time since I posted here. I’ll put up a separate post about my future travel plans and appearances soon.

The big question is, what am I working on now and when will it be published? I have two projects on the go, but I can’t tell you a whole lot about either until my agent has definite arrangements with the publishers in question.

The first project is a historical fantasy trilogy for adults, set in early 13th century England (can’t tell you exactly where, because the location is a dead giveaway.) I had to submit a sample chapter for this at fairly short notice, and I’m currently researching the period and location while waiting to hear if they want me to write the rest. If it’s a yes, I will be working very hard for a while, doing my best to combine accurate history (well, as accurate as possible) with fast-paced storytelling.  When I first saw the concept for this project I thought it was crazy, but I’ve come to like it a lot. So I hope it’ll be me writing it and not someone else. Fingers and toes crossed.

I am also working on an expanded, novel-length version of my short story, BEAUTIFUL, which at around 16,000 words is too short to be a novella but longish for a short story. The short version of BEAUTIFUL will be published in an anthology, AURUM, coming out later this year from Ticonderoga.  It’s based on the fairy tale East of the Sun and West of the Moon, one of my favourites. The original story has a young female protagonist who battles all kinds of odds to save her man. In my version of the story, the protagonist and narrator is someone else; a character who is overlooked almost completely in the fairy tale. I had a lot of fun writing it, and I am hoping I get to answer the question, ‘What did she do next?’

As soon as I have definite news on either of these projects I will post something here. Possibly a whole lot of smiley faces.

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